to purchase tickets using paypal, go to OnLine Box Office . (shown above) click on "Buy Now On PayPal" for the ticket you would like, the selection will appear in your cart. click on the cart to proceed to checkout and adjust quantity of tickets you desire. enter debit or credit card information. your tickets we will be held at the door for you. Note: if you would like tickets mailed to you, please send an addressed/stamped envelope to our home office listed below, per instructions.
NOte: ticket purchases at the door will be accepted in cash or checks only. Other ways to obtain tickets in addition to paypal
Please mail your check, (include an addressed/stamped envelope, if you would like tickets mailed to you), to our home office.
make checks out to:
The Gem Theater, LLC
mail to: (our home office)
The Gem Theater, LLC
9600 East River Road
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858
We will mail your tickets when purchased at least 4 days before show date to allow time for delivery. Late payments recieved that do not allow adequate time for mail delivery, of course, are accepted but the tickets will be held at the door for you.
Box Office Sales at the Gem can also be arranged by texting:
989-621-5948, someone will meet you there or possibly another location.
The Gem Floor Plan
Note: seat 129 has been removed for bar extension
We do offer limited reserved seating per the seat numbers above.
Please advise, in advance if possible, to reserve Barrier Free wheelchair spaces.